Nova Scotia Health By The Numbers 2021-22

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Our Response to Covid-19

1,001,669 Number of visits to Primary Assessment Centres
314,530 Number of virtual care appointments
1,402,125 Number of COVID-19 lab tests completed
640,898 Number of COVID-19 vaccines given by
Nova Scotia Health

Our People

Employees (unionized and non-unionized): 24,897
*Licensed physicians in Nova Scotia: 2,961
   Physicians with a registered specialty (not family medicine): 1,641
   Physicians whose registered specialty is family medicine: 1,320
Medical residents in Nova Scotia*: 552
Medical students in Nova Scotia*: 358
Learners: 6,556
Volunteers: **6,000
Affiliate research scientists: 90
Patient/Family Advisors: 278
**please note: our volunteer programs and activities were suspended due to COVID-19. This number reflects our volunteers before COVID-19 activity.

Our Resources

Annual Budget: $2.5+ billion

Our Places

Specialty Hospital: 1
Regional Hospitals: 9
Community and other locations (clinical, support and administrative): approximately 150

Foundations and Auxiliaries

Foundations: 41
Auxiliaries: 33
Funding from Foundations and Auxiliaries to buy capital assets: $15,699,717
Funding from Foundations and Auxiliaries for small equipment and programs: $3,692,043

Community Health Boards

Community Health Boards: 37
Number of wellness funds supported through community health boards: 289
Monetary value of wellness funds granted: $701,958.42

Care Delivery

Beds (staffed and in operation): 3,094* at time of report
Inpatient days: 1,051,403
Emergency visits: 536,666
Surgeries: 62,369
Births (at Nova Scotia Health facilities): 3,536
Outpatient visits: 3,680,214
Diagnostic imaging exams: 1,006,555
Virtual care appointments: 314,530
Patient encounters supported by language interpretation: 19,693

Mental Health and Addictions

Mental Health and Addictions Outpatient Services

Outpatient clients: 49,500
Outpatient appointments: 396,735
Face to face appointments: 184,321
Telephone appointments: 127,297
Virtual appointments: 53,863

Mental Health and Addictions Inpatient Services

Inpatient discharges: 4,881

Mental Health and Addictions Provincial Crisis Line

Interventions (calls + mobile interventions): 26,378

Opioid Use Disorder Treatment Program

Attended visits: 32,590

Intake Services

Inbound calls: 29,366

Completed Intake appointments: 18,690

e-Mental Health Tools

Mindwell U total registrants: 1,397

Togetherall total registrations (launched in April 2021): 2,286

TAO (Therapy Assistance Online) total registrants: 526

Continuing Care

Number of home care clients (number of clients in fiscal year): 31,345
Number of home support hours received by Continuing Care clients: 2,421,567
Number of in-home nursing visits received by Continuing Care clients: 1,134,252
Number of admissions to long-term care facilities: 2,422

Primary Health Care

Number of primary care visits with a family physician or nurse practitioner (2021-22): 3,897,963*
*Note that the period to submit claims for FY 2021-22 has not yet ended and this value is likely an underestimate of the true number.
Number of people who found a primary care provider since Nov. 2016 (as of Mar. 31, 2022): 214,747
Number of people registered with Need a Family Practice (as of Mar. 31, 2022): 88,359
Number of collaborative family practice teams in Nova Scotia: 96
Number of chronic disease management and wellness teams: 49

Cancer Care

Number of Nova Scotians who had colon cancer prevented - they had no warning signs; pre-cancers were found and removed as a result of the colon cancer home screening test: 927
Number of cancer patients cared for in a cancer centre or community cancer clinic: 17,970

Public Health

Notifiable disease notifications: 23,999
Number of vaccines administered via the school-based immunization program across the province. This includes immunizations for meningitis, HPV and Hepatitis B:

  • Tdap: 7,904
  • Men-C-ACYQ: 8,640
  • Hepatitis B: 14,572
  • HPV:15,824


Number of visits to Primary Assessment Centres: 1,001,669
Number of COVID-19 lab tests completed: 1,402,125
Number of COVID-19 vaccines given by Nova Scotia Health: 640,898
Number of virtual care appointments: 314,5304

Research, Innovation and Discovery

Clinical trials: 400+
Active research projects on Mar. 31, 2022: 1,494
New research projects initiated in 2021-22: 308
Rapid reviews completed in 2021-22: 280
Companies evaluated in the innovation launchpad and interacting with the Innovation Hub: 298
Nursing Strategy Innovation Grants: 16
Affiliation agreements with education institutions: 100+
Simulation learning sessions: 800+
Education bursary for Licensed Practical Nurses (LPNs) enrolled in a Bachelor of Science in Nursing program: 89